Category: NZ Language

NZ Voice – Interesting Article    


Discussion on NZ English

The Dark Horse – Viewing Notes

What is the symbolism/significance of the film title? NZ Voice in the film: Maori legends and names – Tane Mahuta, Maui, harakeke, taniwha Rising intonation at the end of sentences Colloquial language – bro, gee,

1.11 What do we look for when studying a film?

What do we look for when studying a film? Features of the story – plot, setting, characters, themes/ideas, symbolism, metaphor Camera Shots – Establishing shot, long shot, full shot, mid shot, close up, extreme close


The Writing Process and Structure

Choose your topic. Underline the key words in the question. Brainstorm ideas Organise ideas Write draft Edit and publish good copy.


Novel Question 2017   Describe at least one challenge faced by a character or individual in the written text. Explain how this challenge helped you to understand the character or individual. INTRODUCTION A challenge faced by the